Barnes & Noble Press™ is Barnes & Noble's innovative self-publishing platform where independent publishers and authors can find everything they need to publish both print and digital books for customer purchase, or print beautiful books for personal use. Barnes & Noble Press allows users to easily upload their book and make it available for purchase on, on NOOK devices and in stores. Users can also monitor sales on a daily basis with enhanced reporting tools. With no delivery fees or production costs, B&N Press is free to use from start to finish, and provides users with instant access to millions of readers at and, as well as customers with NOOK® devices and those who use Free NOOK Reading Apps™ available for Android™, iOS® and Windows®.
The recently relaunched Barnes & Noble Press (formerly NOOK Press®) seamlessly brings together the separate eBook and print on demand (POD) user experiences into a single, integrated platform. The enhanced and more user-friendly version of Barnes & Noble’s self-publishing platform enhances the self-publishing experience in many ways, including increased author royalty rates for eBooks priced at $10.00 and above, additional trim size options for self-published print books, and comprehensive tools and tips to help writers maximize their marketing opportunities, among many other benefits. Barnes & Noble Press also gives qualified authors the opportunity to apply for signings and events at Barnes & Noble bookstores, as well as gives select authors the opportunity to sell their books in stores.
By publishing directly with B&N Press, independent authors gain the ability to make more money and have access to B&N's online promotional opportunities. In addition, exclusivity is not required to publish with Barnes & Noble Press. Users can create an account, choose whether they want to create an eBook or a print book, and then B&N Press will help format the interior and cover files so they're ready to upload. Users can simply click "Publish" and their book will appear on within 72 hours. If the print book is for personal use, users can order copies that will be delivered to their doorstep within a week.
For additional information, visit the Barnes & Noble Press site or stay connected via Facebook or the B&N Press blog.